Managing A Team: What REALLY Goes Into It

Managing a team? Business owners like you will surely relate to this… At the start of your journey, it’s just you and your business. You’re a solopreneur and you’re doing everything yourself. Then you finally got the courage to hire your very first staff (most probably a VA or virtual assistant) who takes some routine […]
How Do You Give Constructive Feedback To Your Virtual Assistant

Giving constructive feedback is an art. One would need to balance the giving of positive information as well as negative information and turn its combination into an effective and productive message. Not everyone can naturally communicate this way, but don’t worry because things like this can be learned. And when you’re able to give constructive […]
Follow These 6 Tips to Help You Build a Great Team

Do you want to have a more productive and prosperous business? The first step that you must take is to build a great team. This group of people that you will build would comprise both specialists and experts and those who can manage monotonous and repeatable tasks. The next step would be creating and optimizing […]
How to Manage Negative Feedback from a Client

No one likes to get negative feedback or criticism, more so when it comes from your trusted client. Of course, we want our clients to be satisfied with our services, to be happy, to be thrilled, and to remain as our clients, right? Whenever you experience negative feedback, you run the risk of losing a […]
How Do You Keep Your Team Engaged and Excited

Team Engagement. How to keep your team engaged? You’ve hired great people and are ready to delegate and lead your virtual team. Now what? How do you keep them working hard? It’s about motivation and helping your team stay excited about working with you and engaged in the project. Share Your Vision It is crucial […]