Avoid These Common Virtual Event Monetization Mistakes
1. Not having a clear strategy or plan – A virtual event is not the time to wing it. You can experiment or whip up a blog post, but you can’t whip up a good virtual event. Make sure you put the time and effort into your event by creating a solid content and monetization […]
Why It Pays To Get Help for Your Event
You might be surprised how much work goes into planning, hosting, and cleaning up after a live event. You’re undoubtedly more than capable of doing all the work. However, there are many very good reasons why you shouldn’t. 1. Your Time is Valuable Yes, putting on a live event is a business building endeavor, […]
3 Things You Should Be Asking But Don’t Know Enough to Ask About Your Virtual Event
You probably know that a virtual event is a great way to grow your business and to make money. Virtual events add interest and provide a valuable form of education and content to your audience. As much as you do know about creating and hosting a virtual event, there are probably some questions you haven’t […]
Will You Turn Off Prospects If You Monetize Your Event?
One of the biggest fears of many business owners is the fear of being too salesy. People often have the misconception that marketing and sales means being pushy. And it makes sense if you believe this to want to avoid it. You want your prospects and customers feel welcomed and appreciated, not pressured or attacked. […]
Marketing Your Virtual Event In 12 Easy Steps
So you have a huge virtual event coming up and so much to do – choosing a topic, guest speakers, JV partners, and the venue you will use to host your virtual event. But let’s not forget you also need to market your virtual event or else all of this other stuff will be for […]