How to Better Appreciate Clients
How to better appreciate clients? Isn’t it true that whether you run an offline or online business, promotion materials are always wonderful incentives to give to clients or customers? Don’t you agree? It is also a fun way of marketing your business. Moreover, in certain situations, you can offer items as incentives and a gesture […]
The Invisible Workload
What is the invisible workload? As financial advisors and business owners, you probably know what “invisible workload” means… It’s that heavy burden of doing all things yourself when it comes to your business. You do all the planning all the way to executing. Can you relate? They may be things that are not so obvious […]
Financial Advisors In a Nutshell
For those of you who are wondering about what a financial advisor does, you’re in the right place. Generally speaking, these financial professionals help their clients make decisions about what they should do with their money, which may or may not include investments, insurance and other courses of financial action. A financial advisor is their […]
3 Awesome Ways to Build Client Relationship
Here are 3 simple tips that can help you build a close professional relationship with your clients: 1. Make In-Person Connections Just because we now live at a time when social media is ubiquitous and is very much important to networking, it doesn’t mean that we have to stop meeting people in person, meaning, offline. […]
The Financial Health Questionnaire
The first step in the process of financial advisory is being able to understand the client’s financial health. A person can’t properly plan for his or her future if they don’t know where they stand today. It is but typical for the client to be asked to complete a detailed written questionnaire. Their answers will […]