When you create an editorial calendar, you get to save time when using social media. Editorial calendars are not just for big newspaper companies or magazines. It is a must for any company that publishes content whether online or offline. Editorial calendars will help save you time and create a real plan for success using social media. It will help you avoid time wasters online thereby making you reach your ROI (return on investment) faster because everything you will do from now on will be done with a purpose which is the best way to grow your financial advisor business.
So if an editorial calendar is so important, you’d be happy to know that it can easily be done. Just use an excel file or word. List down the topics you want to blog about related to financial advising. You can go deeper by coming up with about 20 titles to blog about for the next month along with about 10 articles to write for your article marketing which will be based on your main feature and keywords. List about 100 keywords by doing a keyword search. Then create blogs and articles based on these keywords for each month of the calendar year.
Once the content calendar is fleshed out, it’s time to create your plan for social media. Use automation tools for automatic sharing of posts and updating of your social media profiles. If you have a specific time for publishing your blog posts, you’ll notice that your audience and readers will be expecting to hear from you around the same time.
Now, all that’s left for you to schedule is the time you will have to spend on discussing your published blog posts, or answering questions your readers may have across all your social media accounts. To make it easier for you, you can have your calendar color coded. An hour in a day could be spent answering questions on social media while drinking your coffee in the morning. An hour in the afternoon could be spent answering comments on your blog posts. And so on, and so forth… Schedule everything that needs to get done.
Follow your calendar to the letter as much as you can. However, when emergencies and unavoidable situations get in the way, then you can adjust your schedule if only necessary, otherwise, stop your business altogether because not following a schedule will definitely be detrimental to your business. On the other hand, if you hire a virtual assistant to take care of these things for you, then you’ll be able to focus more on those aspects of your business that can make you help more people and bring in more income. So if you really want your financial advisor business to thrive and become a success, then spend your time wisely. Avoid time wasters, delegate some tasks to a financial virtual assistant and focus on doing things for the growth of your business.